Family relationships are sacred and can grow stronger in eternity.
Encourage marriage, … and impress upon [others] the sacredness of that relation and the obligation they are under to observe that great commandment which was given of God to our first parents, to multiply and replenish the earth [see Genesis 1:28]. This is all the more necessary, in view of the present tendency in the world to disregard that law and to dishonor the marriage covenant. It is saddening to note the frequency of divorces in the land and the growing inclination to look upon children as an encumbrance instead of as a precious heritage from the Lord.4
[The Lord] has shown us that if we are faithful we will associate with each other in an immortal and glorious state; that those connections formed here, that are of the most enduring character, shall exist in eternity.5
I read this, I immediately began bracing for negative comments about
homosexuality and gay marriage. I reflected on all of the lessons I've endured where people have made well meaning, but offensive comments. I began
wondering what would be the right response if the derogatory comments started
flying. (I should note I have very strong opinions about marriage, opinions
that wouldn't be too far out of mainstream Mormonism... but I can't stand the negative
comments so many fellow members make out of ignorance.) I wondered, if the negative comments did start should
I out myself just to put in their place anyone who was making hurtful remarks. I decided against that since the motive behind
an action is sometimes more important than the action itself. Luckily nothing was said... at least not in Priesthood meeting. I hear that Relief Society was not so lucky.
As Paul says, we should “be ready always to give an answer to every man”. So what is the right response? I
haven’t figured it out yet, but open to suggestions.